Monday, July 20, 2015

Where was Barbara Mary and what she was doing:

Helen and I put our heads together and came up with this , work in progress so if you think of anything, questions etc. just let us know!

Where was Barbara Mary and what she was doing:
1942..April 6  - born Perth Amboy Hospital, NJ
1942. May 5  -   War Ration Book - Age 1 month 23 lbs 8 ozs blue eyes
.................Living rented a house at Dow Ave, Iselin which is just off Lincoln Hwy, Iselin was sold, family moved in with Grandmother at farm in Barry Ave, Perth Amboy
1947. Sept.  - Started Kintergarden at Schell School ( while living in Perth Amboy)
1948. Spring - Family moved to Wilson Ave, Iselin
1948 Spring  -  Started 1st grade at PS 15 , Pershing Ave Iselin (school in our backyard)
.................continued thru sixth grade 1954
1951 - Joined abt age 9   - Brownies Troop #31- leader Mrs. Magnani Warwick St
1952 - Joined abt age 10 - Girl Scouts Troop # 1 - leader Freda Rapacioli, 711 Dow ave
1954 .Sept     -  Started 7th grade at St Cecelia School, Iselin
1955. Jun 14 -   Graduated 8th grade - First Graduating Class of St Cecelia's,
.......................class trip to Washington, DC
1955 - Sept - start High School , St Mary's Perth Amboy.
.......................Joined basketball team, school paper, art club, honor society.
1956-60 -Joined  4H Group - Freda Rapacioli, 711 Dow ave
1956 - Junior Sodality - St Cecelia's
1957 - Jul - Aug Trip out west with Joan Pegos gr daughter of scout leader.
1959 - Jun Graduated St Mary's Perth Amboy
1959 -1962 St Michaels Hospital School of Nursing
1962 .- Staff Nusre At Rahway Hospital
1962 Nov 8 - Engagement to James Capobianco
1963 Dec 28 -Marriage at St Cecelia's Church, Iselin, NJ
....Scouts every week, annual trips to Washington, New York, Richmond VA
....Ice skating on Freemans Pond in winter
....Sled Riding down the hill behind the public school #15 in winter
....Quounset hut center by the church - Roller Skating, Sodality, Movies, Art Shows, Summer 
....Bike riding to Menlo Park Shopping Center.
....Going on the Cooper's Dairy truck with dad during the summertime
....Iselin Fair  every July - Dad ran the birch beer stand .
....Iselin Movie House - Saturday matinees .20 cents & 5 cent candy
....Trips to Belmar, to aunt Clara's house - down old route 35 in grandmom's car 1939 plymouth?
...............which took abt 2 hrs then.
....Baking - took turns and learned how to bake/cook
....Summertime , played in the school yard, baseball, basketball, handball
....................... hop scotch, simon says on school lawn.
....Basketball Team - Lionettes in high school

1 comment:

  1. Hello Aunt Eliz - I was just going back through some old posts. I am going to add more. And reread this one. I was curious do you know more about mom learning art? It says art club above. What was that about? Can you add any details? thx - Jimmy
